hard detergent
- Application:clean the hard surface detergent, pesticide emulsifying agent.
kangwenshu.cn.alibaba.com - First, I put dirty clothes into the pot, and then they put a lot of detergent and laundry detergent, after wet my hard back and forth on a washboard rubbing.
首先,我把髒衣服都放進了盆子裡,然後又放了好多的洗衣粉和洗衣液,打溼後我使勁在洗衣板上來廻搓動。 - When washing, little detergent is enough, do not scrub it hard and prevent sharp things and insolation.
洗滌時,請少放洗滌用品,且不宜來廻用力搓洗(清水清洗,輕輕擰乾),避免銳物鉤掛和暴曬。 返回 hard detergent