trinity square
- square's distance from Trinity church there is a street, intersecting Broadway at right angles.
为了做进一步说明,让我们设想这样一个场景:假定在与三一教堂隔一个广场的距离上,是一条街道,这条街的方向与百老汇大道垂直交叉,我们且称之为A街。 - We will take it for granted that the great light on Trinity steeple shines so bright, that one is just able to read these pages at a square's distance, viz., on " A " street.
毫无疑问,设置在纽约三一教堂塔顶的巨大光源照亮A街应该是没有问题的,也就是说,我们假定在这个离光源隔着一个广场的距离的地方,那里的光照程度是可以不费劲地读书看报。 - For the sake of clearness, let us imagine for a moment, that at a square's distance from Trinity church there is a street, intersecting Broadway at right angles. We will call it" A " street.