signal dispose
- The schemes to dispose of reset signal and clock signal in VHDL high-level synthesis are given also.
还给出了高级综合中复位信号和时钟信号的处理方法。 - The hardware of the system is composed of three parts: dispose the analog signal to be in the right range;
拨道系统的硬件部分为三个部分:对输入的模拟信号进行处理使信号的范围达到要求; - At first the filter based on mathematical morphology is applied to dispose the disturbance signal in advance. A multiple structuring element complex filter is created to restrain many kinds of noise.
首先利用数学形态学对扰动波形进行预处理,再使用分形技术检测电能质量扰动,最后用模式识别确定扰动类型。 返回 signal dispose