- as alike as chalk and cheese 本质上完全两样的,截然不同的
- as big as life (画像等)与原物一样大的;千真万确的
- as black as a raven 像乌鸦一般黑
- as black as a thunder 面带怒容
- as black as coal 黑得像煤一样
- as black as ink 黑的,黑乎乎的
- as black as jet 乌黑发亮的,深黑色的
- as black as midnight 漆黑的,深黑色的
- as black as night 漆黑一团
- as black as pitch 漆黑
- as black as soot 像煤烟一样黑
- as black as Styx 阴森漆黑的
- as black as the Ace of spades 黑色的;脏的
- as blind as a bat 〈非正〉完全看不见东西的
- as blind as a beetle 瞎的
- as blind as a mole 瞎的
- as blind as an owl 全盲的,瞎透的
- as bold as a lion 勇猛如狮
- as bold as brass 极其胆大妄为的;极为粗率无礼的
- as brave as a lion 勇猛的
- as bright as a new pin 非常整洁
- as bright as day 像白昼一样的;光亮的
- as bright as noonday 像白昼一样的;光亮的
- as bright as silver 光亮的,光泽好的
- as brisk as a swallow 动作轻快得像燕子一般
- as brittle as glass 脆得像玻璃一样
- as brown as a berry 黑得透红
- as busy as a bee 忙得像蜜蜂似的
- as changeable as the moon 多变的,变幻莫测的
- as changeable as the weather 多变的,变幻莫测的
- as chaste as ice 像冰一样纯洁
- as cheap as dirt 便宜透顶
- as cheerful as a lark 快活得像云雀一样
- as clean as a new pin 非常整洁
- as clear as a bell 极为清晰的
- as clear as crystal 一清二楚
- as clear as day 昭然若揭
- as clear as mud 十分明显
- as clear as that two and two makes four 像二加二等于四一样明显
- as clear as the nose in your face 一清二楚,显而易见
- as clear as the nose on your face 一清二楚,显而易见
- as cold as a stone 冷得像石头一样
- as cold as charity 寒冷的
- as cold as ice 冰冷
- as common as an old shoe 〈非正〉不卖弄,不爱虚荣,谦虚的,对人友好的
- as common as dirt 极端平常
- as common as muck 〈非正〉举止粗俗,没有教养
- as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若
- as cowardly as a rat 胆小如鼠
- as crooked as a corkscrew 极不正直
- as cross as a bear 怒气冲冲
- as cunning as a fox 像狐狸一般狡猾
- as dark as night 漆黑一团
- as dark as pitch 漆黑
- as dead as a coffin -nail 肯定死了,无效的,失效的
- as dead as a doornail 肯定死了,无效的,失效的
- as dead as a herring 〈英〉完全死了的
- as dead as mutton 〈非正〉僵死的
- as deaf as a post 聋得什么也听不见的
- as different as chalk and cheese 本质上完全两样的,截然不同的
- as different as chalk from cheese 本质上完全两样的,截然不同的
- as drunk as a boiled owl 〈非正〉烂醉如泥
- as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉
- as dry as a bone 全干; 十分枯燥
- as dry as a chip 干涸的
- as dry as a dust 极其干燥的
- as dry as a limekiln 干涸的
- as dry as a stick 极其干燥的;口干的
- as dull as lead 非常愚钝
- as dumb as a fish 沉默不语的
- as dumb as an ox 沉默不语的
- as dumb as an oyster 沉默不语的
- as dumb as a statue 默不作声的
- as easy as ABC 极其容易的
- as easy as anything 极其容易的
- as easy as falling off a log 极容易的
- as easy as pie 〈非正〉极容易的
- as easy as rolling off a log 极容易的
- as fair as a rose 像玫瑰花一样好看
- as faithful as a dog 忠诚如狗
- as fast as a hare 像野兔一样快
- as fat as a pig 肥得像猪一样
- as fierce as a tiger 凶猛如虎
- as firm as rock 坚如磐石
- as flat as a board 平得像块板子
- as flat as pancake 完全(扁)平的;非常平坦的
- as fleet as a deer 快捷如鹿
- as free as the wind 自由自在
- as fresh as flowers in May 焕发青春
- as fresh as paint 〈非正〉精神饱满的;干净明亮的
- as full as a tick 吃饱喝足
- as full of an egg is of meat (头脑等)充满了…的,尽是…的
- as funny as a crutch 没有什么可笑
- as fussy as a hen with one chick 在琐事上瞎操心
- as game as a cockerel 像小公鸡一样勇敢
- as gaudy as a peacock 很漂亮
- as gay as a lark 快活得像云雀一样
- as gentle as a lamp 温顺如羊
- as good as a play 非常有趣的
- as good as gold 很乖的;很可靠的
- as good as one 's word 说到做到的,说话算数的
- as graceful as a swan 姿态优美; 举止端庄
- as grave as a judge 摆起一副法官的严肃面孔
- as grave as an owl 铁板着脸的,不苟言笑的
- as greedy as a dog 贪吃的
- as greedy as a pig 贪吃的
- as greedy as a wolf 像狼一般贪得无厌
- as green as grass 浑然无知
- as handsome as paint 壮丽如画
- as handy as a pocket in a shirt 非常方便
- as happy as a king 像国王一样幸福
- as happy as a lark 非常欢乐
- as happy as a sandboy 兴高采烈的,快乐无比的
- as hard as a bone 硬得像骨头一样
- as hard as a stone 铁石心肠
- as hard as iron 坚如铁石,很严厉,很残酷
- as hard as nails 像钉子那么结实
- as hard as nether millstone 铁石心肠
- as hard as rock 坚如磐石
- as harmless as a dove 像鸽子一般无害
- as heavy as lead 沉重如铅
- as high as a kite 烂醉如泥的
- as hungry as a hawk 饿得像老鹰一样
- as hungry as a hunter 非常饥饿
- as innocent as a baby unborn 清白无辜
- as jolly as a sandboy 兴高采烈的,快乐无比的
- as keen as mustard 极端热情
- as large as life 全貌; 明明白白
- as lean as a rake 骨瘦如柴
- as light as feather 轻如鸿毛
- as like as an apple to an oyster 毫不相像
- as like as chalk to cheese 本质上完全两样的,截然不同的
- as like as two peas 一模一样
- as mad as a hornet 〈尤美〉狂怒的,气得发疯的
- as mad as a March hare 疯狂得像三月的野兔一般
- as mad as hops 〈非正〉怒不可遏
- as melancholy as a cat 非常忧郁
- as merry as a cricket 〈非正〉兴高采烈的,非常快乐的
- as merry as a grig 〈非正〉兴高采烈的,非常快乐的
- as merry as a lark 〈非正〉兴高采烈的,非常快乐的
- as merry as a sandboy 兴高采烈的,快乐无比的
- as mild as a dove (性情)非常温和的
- as mild as May (性情)非常温和的
- as mild as milk (性情)非常温和的
- as mute as a fish 噤若寒蝉
- as mute as a mouse 悄无声息
- as near as a toucher 〈非正〉〈英〉接近得很
- as neat as a new pin 非常整洁
- as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof 〈非正〉惊悸不安的,极度紧张的
- as nervous as a dog shitting razorblades 〈非正〉惊悸不安的,极度紧张的
- as nice as pie 〈非正〉极好的
- as nimble as a squirrel 身手灵活的,举动轻捷的
- as numberless as the sands 像沙粒一样数不尽
- as obstinate as a mule 犟得像头骡子
- as old as Adam 极其古老
- as old as Methuselah 寿比彭祖
- as old as the hills 古老的
- as open as the day 光明磊落
- as pale as a ghost 面无人色
- as plain as a pikestaff 非常清楚
- as plain as day 非常明显,明明白白
- as plain as the nose in your face 一清二楚,显而易见
- as plain as the nose on your face 一清二楚,显而易见
- as pleased as proud 非常快乐的
- as pleased as Punch 洋洋得意
- as plentiful as blackberries 多得很
- as poisonous as a toad 非常恶毒
- as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗
- as pretty as a picture 像图画一样秀丽
- as pretty as paint 非常漂亮的
- as proud as a peacock 骄傲得像孔雀一样;非常高傲
- as proud as Punch 洋洋得意
- as quick as a flash 快如闪电
- as quick as lightning 快如闪电
- as quiet as a mouse 悄无声息
- as red as a beetroot 满脸通红的
- as red as a rose 红润得像朵玫瑰
- as red as a turkey -cock 满脸通红的
- as regular as clockwork 像钟表机件那样有规律
- as rich as a Jew 非常有钱
- as rich as crazes 极为富有的
- as rich as Croesus 富比陶朱
- as right as a trivet 非常健康; 一切顺利
- as right as nails 十分准确的,毫厘不爽的;完全健康的
- as right as rain 十分健康;状况奇佳
- as round as a ball 圆得像个皮球
- as scarce as hen 's teeth 非常稀有
- as scared as a rabbit 惊慌得像兔子一样
- as secret as the grave 像坟墓般神秘的,非常秘密的
- as sharp as a needle 异常精明
- as sharp as a razor 像匕首那样锋利
- as silent as a mouse 悄无声息
- as silent as the grave 默不作声; 沉寂得像座坟墓
- as silly as a goose 非常笨
- as sleek as a cat 像猫一般圆滑谄媚
- as slow as a snail 慢得像蜗牛爬行
- as sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾,老奸巨猾
- as snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒服
- as sober as a judge 十分清醒
- as solid as a rock 坚如磐石,屹然不动;(人)可靠的
- as sound as a bell 十分健康
- as sour as vinegar 酸得像醋
- as steady as a rock 坚如磐石,屹然不动;(人)可靠的
- as stiff as a poker 又硬又直; 笔直
- as stiff as a ramrod 僵直的,笔直的
- as still as a mouse 悄无声息
- as still as death 像死了一样, 一动也不动
- as straight as an arrow 像箭一样直
- as straight as a poker 直得像个拨火棍
- as straight as a ramrod 僵直的,笔直的
- as strong as a bull 健壮如牛
- as strong as a horse 健壮如牛
- as strong as a lion 健壮如牛
- as strong as an ox 健壮如牛
- as strong as brandy 跟白兰地一样厉害
- as stubborn as a mule 像骡子一样固执
- as stupid as a coot 笨头笨脑的
- as stupid as a donkey 笨得像驴
- as stupid as a goose 非常笨
- as stupid as an ass 笨得像驴
- as stupid as an owl 笨透的
- as sulky as a bear 怒气冲冲
- as sure as a gun 一点不错
- as sure as death 〈非正〉毫无疑问的(地),千真万确的(地)
- as sure as fate 〈非正〉毫无疑问的(地),千真万确的(地)
- as sure as hell 〈非正〉毫无疑问的(地),千真万确的(地)
- as surly as a bear 怒气冲冲
- as sweet as honey 甜得像蜜一样
- as sweet as pie 〈非正〉极甜的
- as swift as lightning 快如闪电
- as tame as a chicken 像小鸡一样驯顺;非常听话
- as thick as blackberries 多得很
- as thick as thieves 非常亲密
- as thin as a lath 骨瘦如柴
- as thin as a rake 瘦得像柴耙,骨瘦如柴
- as tight as a drum 爱钱如命; 烂醉如泥
- as tight as a tick 吃饱喝足
- as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠
- as tough as nails 身体结实的
- as tough as old boots (人)非常紧张地;一点也不嫩的,非常老的
- as tricky as a monkey 诡计多端
- as true as flirt 极其忠实的,非常可靠的
- as true as steel 忠实可靠
- as true as touch 极其忠实的,非常可靠的
- as ugly as a scarecrow 丑极了
- as unstable as water 反复无常
- as warm as toast 暖烘烘的,热得满面红光的
- as weak as a cat 身体虚弱的;意志薄弱的;性格懦弱的
- as weak as water 身体虚弱的;意志薄弱的;性格懦弱的
- as welcome as a storm 不受欢迎的,不合时宜的
- as welcome as flowers in May 很受欢迎
- as welcome as snow in harvest 不受欢迎的,不合时宜的
- as welcome as water in a leaking ship 不受欢迎的,不合时宜的
- as white as a sheet 脸色苍白
- as white as snow 洁白如雪
- as wide as poles apart 相差太远
- as wise as before 仍旧是糊里糊涂
- as wise as Solomon 非常聪慧,聪明绝顶
- as yellow as gold 色黄如金
- as much as 像…那么多,多达;实际上差不多
- as much 也;同样多的
- mutton dressed as lamb 打扮得像少妇一样的老妇人(或中年妇女)
- pass as 充作,被看作,被当作
- pass as a watch in the night 很快被忘却
- come across as 〈非正〉似乎是,看上去好像是
- pass sb off as 使假扮成,使冒充
- put down as 把…当作,认为
- write down as 把…描写成
- write sb off as 认为…毫无益处
- as a /the result of 因此,由于,作为…的结果
- as a result 因此,作为结果
- as a man 从人的观点,仅就其本人品格来说
- as a matter of fact 事实上,其实
- as a shot 作为猜测
- as a starter 〈非正〉作为开端,首先
- as a whole 总的来说
- as one man 一致地
- as sin 〈非正〉非常,极端地
- as witness 以…为证明
- so much as 甚至
- not so much 不如…那么多;与其说是…不如说是
- the mixture as before 照原方配服的药;老一套的处理方法,换汤不换药的东西
- such as 例如;诸如;比如;像
- as such 同样地;本身;就其本身而论
- as usual 像往常一样;照例
- as always 一如既往;像往常一样;就像以前一样;成永远
- as yet 迄今为止,到目前为止
- as of now 此刻,眼下
- as of old 一如从前,照旧
- as of right 作为合法权利
- as well 也;同样地;还不如
- regard as 当作;认作;属于;算是
- work as 充当;作为;从事
- As expected 不出所料;正如预期的;果然不出所料;果然
- as with 正如;至于;与;一样
- as soon ◎宁愿…,宁可…,◎同样乐意,同样愿意(常用于 would,had 之后)[亦作 as lief],◎同样高兴(或愿意),◎宁愿,宁可(与 would, had 连用)
- AS Nancy 南锡足球俱乐部;南锡;南锡足球俱乐部德语;南斯足球俱乐部
- as well as 也;和…一样;不但…而且
- as one 一致的
- as soon as 一…就…
- as long as 只要;和…一样长
- as if 犹如,好似
- as for 关于,至于
- as soon as possible 尽快
- as far as adv . 至于,直到,远到;就…而言
- as of 自……起
- as though 好像;仿佛
- as being 就是;即像
- as early as 早在…的时候
- as good as 和…几乎一样,实际上等于…
- as per 按照,依据;如同 返回 as