- n.努克(位于格陵兰;西经 51º44' 北纬 64º11')
- Embassies will soon be replacing consulates in Nuuk.
格陵兰语成了官方语言。 - A recent weekend in Nuuk, the Greenlandic capital, saw a triple excuse to indulge.
最近的这一周,格陵兰岛首府努克让我看到了第三个放纵的理由。 - The folk of Nuuk explain how happy they are to see the new government (and to see the back of the old one), by saying that “Kuupik is our Obama”.
努克的百姓们说,他们看到新政府(以及旧政府的垮台)是多么高兴啊,他们说“库皮克就是我们的奥巴马”。 - Enoksen wept tears of joy in Nuuk, Greenland's capital, it is premature to assume that full Inuit independence will come quickly.
这次投票同时保证格陵兰(人口56000)今后能从矿产利润包括石油、红宝石,黄金和钻石中多分一杯羹。 - In Nuuk that was a simple matter: whale munchers crowded a sports hall for lunch, then strolled home with meat in bulging plastic bags.