- Maiman's announcement of the first operative laser came at a New York news conference on July 7, 1960.
迈芒在1960年7月7日纽约的一次记者招待会上宣布了第一台激光器运转的消息。 - Illuminating the substance with an external light source, as Maiman did, can also pump electrons.
梅曼表示,以外部光源照射物质,同样也可推送电子。 - Just two years later Theodore Maiman demonstrated the first operational laser, made by optically pumping a ruby crystal with a powerful lamp.
两年后,梅曼(TheodoreMaiman)展示了史上第一具实际运作的雷射装置,运作方式为使用高亮度电灯,以光激发红宝石晶体。 - Hughes's managers had previously assigned Maiman to build a more practical version of the maser using microwave emission from chromium atoms in synthetic ruby crystals.
父亲希望他成为一位医生,但他认为对激光的研究将对医学产生更大的影响。 - At Stanford, Maiman studied under the theoretician Willis Lamb, who received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1955, months after Maiman received his doctorate.
当然,经过多年的努力争取,梅曼的成就已经得到了广泛的承认。 - The first working laser was demonstrated in May 1960 by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories.Nowadays lasers have become a multi-billion dollar industry.
同样的,当一个光子入射到一个能级系统并为之吸收的话,会导致原子从低能级向高能级跃迁 (所谓受激吸收); 返回 Maimane